Brown Rainbow


February 10th, 2003: The Clown Lounge
L-R: Joe Zarr, Andrew, Patrick, Me, Davu.
Davu in his everyday clothes.
Jesse and Mike.

August 25, 2003
My CD from this night is labeled 9/1/2003, but I wrote 8/25/2003 on one of these photos. I'm inclined to believe the photos, since I probably labeled them that night, while I didn't get a copy of the recording until later.

L-R: Jesse, Andrew, Jaron.
If I recall correctly, this session was meant to placate me, because I was always whining about the big Brown Rainbow parties at the Farm and saying that I wanted to do small groups again. As you can see, no smiling faces to be found.
The Horse-Faced Boys, kicking your lame ass.

October 24th, 2003: Big V's
An appropriately prominent billing. Hale Zukas brought their own PA and played on the floor.
Jesse and some blurs. This was supposed to be our "metal show," but no one showed up to be in the band.
Hasty recruitment from the crowd gave us this powerhouse lineup: Jesse, me, Tim Kyser, Wade Ardery, and Jaron.
You can really see the enthusiasm.

November 6th, 2003: The Church Basement
An odd scene. I had played in the main room of The Church a few times, and once or twice in one of the studios (just to the left of this picture), but here we're playing in the wide hallway between two studios.

L-R: Me, Jaron, Jesse, Nathan Phillips, Andrew.
L-R: Jaron, Nathan, Bryce, Andrew. I can't tell who the blur above Nathan is.

December 17th, 2003
Amy Myrbo.
Jaron's mama says knock you out.
Jesse knows how to rock.
The camera never lies.

2002       2003       2004       2005