Brown Rainbow


Other Brown Rainbow Sites:
Brown Rainbow on Virb: It tried to give my computer a virus last time I went there, but I guess I can't hold that against it.

Brown Rainbow on MySpace: Hate!

Old Brown Rainbow Page: This is a very primitive page that I set up so I could share some Polaroids with the people pictured in said Polaroids. Google used to like this page.

I BELIEVE IN THE KINGDOM COME: This used to be another take on a Brown Rainbow website, but Geocities doesn't exist anymore. The text is archived at

Kelly, The Eternal Super Light: The Eternal Kelly mailing list is another exercise in total acceptance. Discussion is not limited to Brown Rainbow. Discussion does not happen, and Brown Rainbow is rarely mentioned. And yet, I don't think it would exist if not for Brown Rainbow. But does it exist?

Contact Brown Rainbow if you like.

Meet The Brown Rainbows:
Wade Ardery on MySpace

Rich Barlow: Painter, musician, and Flaneur.

Insides Music: Bryce Beverlin II's label, and so far the only external entity that has disseminated Brown Rainbow material.

Jaron Childs

Eno Diamond

Pansoot: Home of the Dirty Hat Club, YY Snonos, Sassoon, and other friends of Brown Rainbow.

Colonial Field Recordings: Brown Rainbow's Philly cousin.

Charles B. Gillett

Junior Birdman Media: Mike Hallenbeck's world.

Melinda Hobbs on MySpace

Jesse Holcomb

Tim Kiser

Amy Myrbo

Gerald Prokop

Davu Seru

Take Acre

Tall Walls: A wholly-owned subsidiary.

Joe Zarr's Blog: Poems!

There are more, but I just can't stand to look at MySpace pages any longer.

Brown Rainbow In The World:
tast the brown rainbow!

taste it!

That's right, we have T-shirts!

If you use Firefox and you're tired of clicking link after link, try Down Them All.
